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Showing posts from February 3, 2016


Take my hand this way we'll go, Said the man above, I'll take you to a place of joy, Where you will find true love, If you let go, go on your own, But mistakes you will make, For many other ways there are, Which you are sure to take, When you feel that you are lost, All you have to do is pray, And I'll be there once again, To help you on your way, I did pray and just as said, He shined his light from above, That showed me the way down the golden path, That led me to your love.


As important as it is to spend quality time together, it is equally important to give each other time to do something they like. If your mate loves to fish but you have no desire to bait a hook with little, slimy worms, or if you like to go to the casino but your mate would rather do something different, encourage each other to take time apart. Try establishing a set time for this very purpose, if possible. For example, perhaps you could determine that every other Friday night is singles night. This is not a time to date other people, but to enjoy preferred activities. Remember that you have to place trust in your relationship. If you try this and then drill them, to see what they did, whom they were with, and where they went, then the exercise has failed.


tell me what you want from me? 1 = A baby? 2 = a car key 3 = Your heart? 4 = A deep kiss? 5 = Drinks n Fun? 6 = Dinner? 7 = Play wit you? 8 = best friend forever? 9 = Sex? 10 = Always be there for me? 11 = Let u go? 12 = Kill u? 13 = Meet u? 14 = An apology? 15 = Hot Slap? 16=  Success? 17 = Serious Relationship? 18 = Money? 19 = Prayer? 20 = Advice? 21 = forgiveness? 22 = Take A Pic Together 23 = Fun time 24 = Marriage? 25 = Dating ,think of u.


Read with patience  USED  vs. LOVED   While a man was polishing his new car, his 6 years old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car.   In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times;  not realizing he was using a wrench.   At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.  When the child saw his father...  with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?'   The man was so hurt and speechless;  he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times.  Devastated by his own actions..... sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches;  the child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'.  The next day that man committed suicide. . .    Anger and Love have no limits;  choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life.....  Things are to be used and people are to be loved.  But the problem in today's wo...


  I do not think that what is called Love at first sight is so great an absurdity as it is sometimes imagined to be. We generally make up our minds beforehand to the sort of person we should like, grave or gay, black, brown, or fair; with golden tresses or raven locks; -- and when we meet with a complete example of the qualities we admire, the bargain is soon struck and Love feels no burden, regards not labors, strives toward more than it attains, argues not of impossibility, since it believes that it may and can do all things. Therefore it avails for all things, and fulfils and accomplishes much where one not a lover falls and lies helpless.


If you and your mate have scheduled some time for a Friday night dinner, put together a surprise instead. For example, if your mate loves professional wrestling, buy some tickets near the front or if they like concerts, purchase the tickets ahead of time, getting the best seats possible. When Friday night comes around, insist on driving and head toward the location where the event is taking place. When asked where you are going, simply answer, I have a surprise for you. I know you love professional wrestling so I purchased two great seats for tonight's performance, or I know we had planned on going to dinner, but I wanted to surprise you with something special. I purchased tickets to see one of your favorite groups in concert. The idea of you getting the tickets for something THEY like and then keeping it as a special surprise will touch their heart!


When a child is ill, doctors will tell you that it is proven that a simple, loving touch of a parent can quickly pull the child through a crisis. It is the same for relationships. Playing with your mate's hair, rubbing their hand, a soft kiss on the neck, a soft pat on the leg or giving a gentle back rub will make a huge difference in how your mate responds to you. When was the last time you walked up to your mate for no reason and without saying a word, affectionately placed a kiss on their neck? This is not in a sexual way, but an affectionate way. There is a difference. The next time the two of you are sitting in the car, at the grocery story, or standing in line at the theater, quietly reach over and take their hand. Do not be surprised if you get a strange look of curiosity the first time!


Communicate. When couples are having problems in a relationship, communication is the first thing to stop. It is often easier to just be quiet than to get mad. When rebuilding relationships, just as communication was the first to stop, it now needs to be the first to start. This will require that both individuals let down their guard and pretty much throw caution to the wind. Healing in the relationship cannot start until you talk. Make an agreement that you will talk about anything and everything and that you will listen, really listen. That does not mean that you will agree with everything, which is perfectly fine. However, if you do not agree, do not yell, rather, the two of you need to calmly discuss the issue and together, work out a solution. This is hard work but within a very short time, you will both feel much better, individually and as a couple.


No Place for Abuse. Regardless of how much you love your mate and believe in who they are, there is NEVER an appropriate time for abuse, whether physical, emotional, or verbal. If your mate shows aggression or any form of abuse toward you, seek counseling for both of you immediately to try to work through things. If your mate refuses to go, even if it is hard, leave. First is your safety. Second, it is possible for people to learn ways in which to manage their aggressions. If this is the case, the life of the relationship has a much better chance of surviving!


I love you with a permanence That endures the passing years. I love you with a joyfulness That subdues all doubts and fears. I love you with an honesty That was born within my heart. I love you with the calm belief That we will never part. I love you with a confidence No earthly force can sever. I love you with the certainty That I’ll cherish you forever. I love you with the humbleness Of one who has been blessed. I love you with the reverence Of all that word suggests. I love you with a fervor That time cannot reverse. I love you with the truest love That poets put to verse and Breathless kisses Burning touches Soft-spoken words of love Urgently spoken words of passion. A man and a woman One complete love Since time began Predestined to be as one. We've been together before In other lifetimes We've fought dragons And have been torn from each others arms Yet our love prevailed. We've walked on this earth many times together Perhaps for a mom...